Allerede dagen etter den aller første Folk Conexions henter Sam Lee inn sitt eget band fra England for å gjøre en konsert på Hovedsscenen. Sam Lee entret musikkscenen med debutalbumet ‘Ground of its Own” i 2012.Siden da har han fortsatt sin nytolkning av skotske og irske reisendes-, samt engelske sigøyneres sang- og fortellertradisjon. Sam Lee & Friends gav nylig ut EPen “More For To Rise” og er albumaktuelle i høst.

Sam Lee - vokal, munnharpe, shruti- boks
Francesca Terberg - cello
Jonah Brody - japansk koto (harpe), ukulele, kantelle   
Steve Chadwick - trompet
Josh Green - perkusjon
Flora Curzon - fele



The following day after the first ever Folk Conexions, Sam Lee invites his own band from the UK to play the main stage at Riksscenen. Sam Lee entered the music-scene with his debut album "Ground of its Own" in 2012, and has since continued to re-interpret traditional songs of Irish and Scottish travelers, as well as English gipsy song- and storytelling-traditions. Sam Lee & Friends recently released the EP "More For To Rise" and are to release an full-length album this autumn. 

"Sam Lee is surely the most unpredictable and inventive young traditional singer on the British folk scene.."

Wimp Magazine on Folk Conexions: http://magazine.wimp.no/2014/09/folk-conexions-spennende-musikalske-moter-pa-riksscenen/

Sam Lee - vocal, mouth harp, shruti-box
Francesca Terberg - cello
Jonah Brody - japanese koto (harp), ukulele, kantele   
Steve Chadwick - trumpet
Josh Green - percussion
Flora Curzon - fiddle