Martin Carthy gav ut sitt debutalbum for 49 år siden. Siden da har han og kona Norma Waterson representert ryggraden på den engelske folkscenen, og har vært involvert i prosjekt som Fairport Convention, Steeleye Span og The Watersons. Datteren Eliza Carthy har fulgt i deres fotspor med sin distinkte personlighet og musikalske uttrykk, noe som har resultert i en rekke nominasjoner og priser. Endelig gir far og datter ut sitt debut duoalbum.“ The moral of the Elephant”, og har i 2014 turnert hele Storbritania.

“..brave and anything but predictable” skriver the Guardian.

Håkon Høgemo er en av Norges mest brukte spelemenn, og har vært freelance musiker siden 1993. Han spiller tradisjonsmusikk fra områdene Sogn, Hardanger, Voss og Valdres og er kjent fra grupper som UTLA, Slåttetrioen, Gamaltnymalt og Rudl Trio, og samarbeid med Ragnar Hovland og Karl Seglem. I tillegg til et rikholdig slåtterepertoar, er han beryktet for sin presisjon, tone, slåtteutforming og rike kunnskap. 
Erlend Apneseth ( fele) frå Jølster har markert seg som en sterk nykommer i norsk musikkliv, bl.a. som vinner av Grappas Debutantpris 2012.


Martin Carthy first released his debut album as early as 1965, 49 years ago. Since then, Martin and his wife Norma Waterson has represented the backbone of the British folk-scene. They have been involved in projects such as Fairport Convention, Steeleye Span and The Watersons. Martin´s daughter, Eliza Carthy has followed in her father´s footsteps, through her distinctive personality and musical expression. Her career so far has resulted in a string of nominations and awards. A long time coming, the father and daughter have finally released their first duo-album "The moral of the Elephant" and have been touring Britain throughout 2014. 
“..brave and anything but predictable” The Guardian
Håkon Høgemo is one of Norway´s most used folk-musicians and has worked as a freelance player since 1993. He plays traditional music from the Wester Norway areas of Sogn, Hardanger, Voss and Valdres. He is known from folk-groups like UTLA, Slåttetrioen, Gamaltnymalt and Rudl Trio, as well as collaborations with Ragnar Hovland and Kari Seglem. As well as his vast repertoire of "slåtter", traditional Norwegian fiddle-pieces, he is widely known for his precision, tone and broad musical knowledge. 
Erlend Apneseth is one of the top Hardanger-fiddlers in Norway. After years of performing folk music in competitions and concerts, he has in recent years established himself in the contemporary/improvisational music scene, collaborating with dancers, musicians and poets. Erlend received the Grappa Debutant Award in 2012, and released his critically acclaimed debut-album “Blikkspor” in October 2013.